Lose your weight!!!

lose weight,best tips,how to,burn fat,healthy eating,diet 

To talk about weight lose we mean to burn our extra Calories in our body.
Calories are measured as a potential energy in food that we eat like fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Our body takes these calories in two ways.

  • It used for our internal digest processing and give us our essential strength
  •  Extra calories remain in our body and then we call it fat
Now LOSE WEIGHT is a reason of headache for most of the people.
Is it really important to lose your weight???? YES, it’s because not only you want to look attractive but also it’s essential for your body.
Now tell me what you’ll do when you go on a diet and you’ll success to lose weight; but when you go "off" your diet you'll gain it back. Then what will you do??? Will you repeat it again or give up???  What’s next????
YES, there are many ways for quickly lose weight….
If you have lot of money, you may go for surgery or
You can take pills or
you can go to gym  or
You can go on a strong diet….     Bla Bla Bla
Hey, take it easy…
Take a long breath and think about it... Be patient
I’m not a doctor, not a gym trainer, or not a nutritionist. I’m just sharing my own experience. In one time I was also feel ashamed of my body. “Fatty” was my common name. But now the days have gone. Now I can wear any outfit without any tension………
If you really want to lose your weight, you have to make yourself prepare for it. Most of the people want to lose weight in short time. Remember there is not any short cut for losing weight. Weight loss is easy if you think it’s easy. You can’t do it in one day. You have to prepare for it. Make your target how much weight you want to lose and how much time will it take???
But you also think about your own age. Are you old enough or may be fit enough to lose your weight?????Before go for a weight loss consult with a doctor. Remember, weight lose doesn’t mean avoid eating, you have to just avoid calories……….

For losing your weight you have to make a plan for it –

1. Change your food Menu.

For that, you must give importance to green and low calories food.
2. Maintain distance from some high calories food. Because this extra calorie which your body does not need, it’ll gather in your body as fat.
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3. You have to give importance some specific activities. It’ll help to keep your body fit.
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4. Try to do some particular exercise every day. Exercise is really important it helps to reduce fat. Don’t take heavy exercise in first day, you can start some small exercise and then go for others.
It’s not that you must go to gym; you can start exercise in your home. You can start Yoga which is very popular all over the world.

5. Give importance in drinking water
6. Try to eat in small quantity, but between small intervals.

hey, you’re fat, but it doesn’t not mean you should feel uncomfortable .Just try to think this way , you’re not fat  but your body gain some extra calories which you have to lose .But this is high time to lose your Wight because you want to change your look .take it as a war ,only searching how to lose weight ??? On internet and thinking you’ll do from next day, when next day come you’re still searching, it’s not the solution. So start your actions for losing weight today. Only you can lose your weight anyone cannot do this to be you. Now stop searching and try to lose your weight!!!

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